"Helping people fight obesity one run at a time."
The Race and Our Mission Statement
"To raise community awareness of obesity and its effects on an individual's health as well as to promote running/walking as a safe, positive and affordable mean for an individual's change in health and physical condition."
Price: $10 for early bird (until March 13), $15 thereafter and $20 the day of the race(only cash or checks accepted on race day registration)
Main Site: Valley Bend Mall, Jones Valley
Start: 4-Way Stop Near Buffalo Wild Wings
Finish: Carmike Parking Lot, opposite to Wellness Center
Pre-race Packet Pickup:
Pre-race packet pick up will be available on Friday, April 12th , 2019 at Fleet Feet* from 10 am until 7pm.
On-race day Packet Pickup/ On- race day registration
Race Day packet pick up/registration on race site, Saturday April 13th, 2019 from 7:00 to 7:45 am.